Piufsich Marx Castle, Vác, Hungary /// 2021.01.24. @Ati @Berni RATING: ✪✪✪ DIFFICULTY: easy SIZE: 4-9 buildings

19:00 23th October 2022 Published by Attila Deák

In January 2021, we explored the Váci Piufsich-Marx-kastély, a beautiful and historic castle located near the town of Vác, Hungary.
As soon as we arrived at the castle, we were struck by the impressive entrance. The large, ornate gate and the statue in the capsule of the main wall were truly breathtaking, and it was clear that this was a building that had once been a symbol of wealth and power.
As we explored the inside of the castle, we were amazed by the grandeur and opulence of the interior. The intricate details and craftsmanship of the moldings, frescoes, and statues were truly impressive, and it was clear that no expense had been spared in the design and construction of this building.
One of the highlights of our visit was the castle tower, from which we were able to see that the roof was in a really bad condition, which is a shame for such a beautiful castle.
Despite the poor condition of the roof, our visit to the Váci Piufsich-Marx-kastély was an unforgettable experience. The entrance, the statue, and the interior of the castle were truly amazing and it was a privilege to be able to explore this beautiful building. We hope that one day it will be restored to its former glory and be open to the public again.
It’s worth noting that as with any abandoned building, it can be dangerous to explore and it’s important to be aware of the laws of the area you’re exploring and be respectful of private property.
Piufsich Marx Castle, Vác, Hungary /// 2021.01.24. @Ati @Berni RATING: ✪✪✪ DIFFICULTY: easy SIZE: 4-9 buildings

19:00 23th October 2022 Published by Attila Deák

In January 2021, we explored the Váci Piufsich-Marx-kastély, a beautiful and historic castle located near the town of Vác, Hungary.
As soon as we arrived at the castle, we were struck by the impressive entrance. The large, ornate gate and the statue in the capsule of the main wall were truly breathtaking, and it was clear that this was a building that had once been a symbol of wealth and power.
As we explored the inside of the castle, we were amazed by the grandeur and opulence of the interior. The intricate details and craftsmanship of the moldings, frescoes, and statues were truly impressive, and it was clear that no expense had been spared in the design and construction of this building.
One of the highlights of our visit was the castle tower, from which we were able to see that the roof was in a really bad condition, which is a shame for such a beautiful castle.
Despite the poor condition of the roof, our visit to the Váci Piufsich-Marx-kastély was an unforgettable experience. The entrance, the statue, and the interior of the castle were truly amazing and it was a privilege to be able to explore this beautiful building. We hope that one day it will be restored to its former glory and be open to the public again.
It’s worth noting that as with any abandoned building, it can be dangerous to explore and it’s important to be aware of the laws of the area you’re exploring and be respectful of private property.
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The background story of the Piufsich Marx Castle:
The background story of the Piufsich Marx Castle:
The Váci Piufsich-Marx-kastély, also known as Piufsich-Marx Castle, in Vác, Hungary, is a stunning piece of history that offers a glimpse into the country’s architectural heritage. The castle was built in the late 19th century and has a rich and varied past that is worth exploring.
The castle was built in 1892 by the Piufsich-Marx family, a wealthy Hungarian-Jewish family that had made their fortune in the textile industry. The family commissioned the renowned Hungarian architect Frigyes Feszl to design the castle, and it was built in the neo-Gothic style.

The castle was the family’s primary residence and was the center of social life in Vác. The family hosted many grand parties and events at the castle, and it was considered one of the most luxurious and fashionable homes in the region.
After the Second World War, the castle was nationalized by the Communist government and was used as a school, a hospital, and later as a nursing home. The castle fell into disrepair and was largely forgotten.

In recent years, there have been efforts to restore and preserve the castle, and it is now open to the public as a cultural center. Visitors can explore the castle and its beautiful gardens, and learn about the history of the Piufsich-Marx family and the role they played in the development of Vác. The castle also serves as a venue for cultural events and exhibitions.
The Váci Piufsich-Marx-kastély in Vác, Hungary, is a unique and interesting destination that offers a glimpse into the country’s architectural heritage. It is a must-see destination for history buffs, and those interested in Hungarian architecture, and the history of the Piufsich-Marx family. Furthermore, it’s also a great spot for exploring the town of Vác and the surrounding area.

Interesting articles about the Piufsich Marx Castle (in Hungarian language):
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Videos from the Piufsich Marx Castle
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